Solve Problems With the Absence Check Reporting System

  • Universal Toll-Free Access for Employees – a simple call to a toll free number is all it takes for employees to report themselves late or absent.
  • Eliminate Language Barriers – Absence Check allows employees to select their preferred language and answer prompts in that language. Their responses are instantly translated and accessible to supervisors.
  • Get Reports and Check Staffing Levels In Real-time – authorized supervising personnel can retrieve reports via Web, phone or SMS/text messages allowing immediate access to staffing data anywhere and at any time. Unlimited supervisor accounts are available at no additional charge.


Simple. Fast. Reliable.

  • Employees Document Their Own Absence – the employee assumes responsibility for accurate, on-time absence reporting when they call off work and is required to provide the complete reasons for being late or absent.
  • Enforce Work Rules – our clients have found that unions support Absence Check because it is accurate, fair and documents every absence completely. Employees who call out for sickness or other reasons have 24x7x365 day access, reports are automatically routed to the right person and HR does not have to lift a finger.
  • Communicate with Your Employees Quickly – send predefined or custom messages via phone or SMS/text for urgent employee communications such as a temporary plant closing due to weather.

Human Resources

Streamline the absence reporting process:

  • Remove Liability - the HR team and supervisors are no longer responsible for data entry errors or misinterpreting unclear and incomplete voice mail messages.
  • “Red Alerts” to Connect Employees Directly with HR Staff - when an employee completes their absence report and notes a critical absence condition, like a work injury, you have the option to transfer the employee immediately to speak to Human Resources.
  • Comprehensive Online Absence History – search online and download the employee’s complete absence history at any time.

Instant Reporting

We offer automated report creation and distribution via our cloud reporting services, email, or telephone.

  • Real-time Data
    Know Who, What, When and Why Immediately
  • Automated Notifications
    Receive the information you need in as it happens with custom notifications via email or SMS text messages
  • Easy Integration
    We can integrate our service into your existing HR systems, and internal applications

Simplify Operations

Make your organization function more smoothly, and reduce friction between HR, your supervisors, and your employees.

  • Accurate Documentation
    Automatic and instant updates to employee status
  • Easy to use
    Eliminate voice mail data entry and translation delays
  • Always Online
    24x7 access to the telephone lines and Web reporting systems

Cost Savings

We can save your HR team's time, your organization money, and your employees frustration:

  • No investment required
    You pay only for your calls. No expensive equipment, setup, or other capital expenditures.
  • Affordable
    No long term contracts, or monthly fees
  • Scalable
    We tailor each deployment to meet your needs, and fit into your budget.

About Us

Absence Check is a service of Management and Technology Consultants, LLC

We have been providing absence reporting services to thousands of employees since 2001. Our colocation data center is SOC levels 1,2 and 3 certified and we manage the security of millions of HIPAA data records each year.

We utilize redundant call reporting systems, UPS battery backup, and automatic backup generator power for maintaining 24x7 services.

Our administrative offices are located at 1655 Hawthorne Drive, Suite A, Plainfield, IN 46168. MTC was incorporated in 1995 and has been providing innovative technology solutions for clients in the healthcare, manufacturing and food industries.